Check out our website for more action and Litchfield National Park Tours and Adventures.
Well yes finally ! 26 July 2011 and Ethical Adventures is now an accredited operator in the NT. WOW ! What doe that actually mean. Well it means that the bloke sitting in the office in the MVR has had a look at my criminal record, insolvency record and general idea for a tour company and said "No Worries!! " Excellent. Now before I can actually start taking you folk out commercially I need to get my vehicle approved and the appropriate insurance coverage. Formalities. Sensational !!!
Went to Litchfield last week with some friends from work (medical staff IHMF) and it was a great day. Wangi still wasn't open but the Wildlife Park was a hit with the freshwater Whip Rays and Barramundie show as well as the Birds of Prey Show. Wallowing in the pools above Florence Falls cooled a few of us down as the rest sucked in the fresh wilderness air. Be well all ! Rob
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