Looking around and it is easy to see how vibrant the natural world is and how balanced it can be. Now though such places are in themselves few and far between such that the Otways are one of the last great refuges for many Australian plants and animals. In this 140,000 Ha sanctuary we find 97 rare and threatened species of flora and 77 rare and threatened fauna. Among our furry friends are the elusive spotted tail Quoll, bandicoots, possums, Koalas, Kangaroos and more all guaranteed to bring wonder to the visitor from near and far.

Given time to think about this and it starts to raise questions in my mind ... is there a sustainable way we can live and maintain these environmental qualities ? What are the root causes and can we fix the system ? It seems we as a species are ingenious, dedicated and obsessed with improving our life in the obvious way through cars, houses, gadgets and such that we have become blind to the real value which we are destroying.
I guess when it is all said and done ...
'life goes on'.
But life would it be without these natural gifts and places ?